Tips for good pool maintenance

April 14, 2021

In the past, having a pool at home was much more costly to maintain, both in terms of the work involved and financially. Nowadays, with an efficient installation and proper water treatment, maintenance can be made a much simpler process. And this allows us to enjoy the pool with much more peace of mind!

At Espígul Real Estate we have all kinds of houses and homes. If it is essential for you that your new home has a swimming pool, we can help you find what you are looking for!

In today’s post we talk about the maintenance of a swimming pool, how we can keep it as clean as the first day and do it in an economical and sustainable way. If you have a pool and you want to keep it in perfect condition, keep reading!

Maintenance will be carried out all year round

This is an essential fact that must be taken into account when you decide to have a swimming pool at home. You cannot go with the idea of cleaning it a week before you want to use it.

Whether you empty it or keep it full you must be careful of microbes and animals that can make a life. Therefore, to have your pool in the best conditions, you have to take care of it all year round.

Why is it important to keep the pool clean?

It is important to be aware that pool water is stagnant and is therefore an ideal scenario for germs or algae to appear. There are also external factors such as the sun, sweat and sun cream that encourage the production of these bacteria and algae.

The pool should not only look clean, it should be really clean, therefore it is essential to carry out a good maintenance which is based on using the right filter, having an efficient pump and using a correct disinfection.

This maintenance can be done manually or with the help of automatic disinfection and regulation systems that ensure the perfect dosage to maintain the best water quality. You can carry out these procedures yourself or leave it in the hands of professionals.

How can you keep the pool clean?

> Use a leaf catcher every day. It is a step that costs nothing and is very effective, it allows you to remove any dirt that may have fallen into the water such as leaves or insects on a daily basis.

> Measure the pH and chlorine levels. A specific product is needed to measure the level of these two parameters. The appropriate PH level is between 7.2 and 7.6.

 > The use of chlorine makes it possible to disinfect and prevent the water from becoming cloudy and algae from appearing. It is necessary to carry out this treatment with chlorine tablets every 7 days.

> Use a pool cleaner. There are manual and automatic ones and they are very useful for keeping the bottom of the pool clean, as it is one of the most difficult parts of the pool to reach.

Pool maintenance is not necessarily expensive

Draining the pool during the winter is not the cheapest or most environmentally friendly option. You can choose to have the same water all year round and do some maintenance similar to what you do during the summer. One of the key things to do in winter is to cover the pool with a tarpaulin to prevent the water from freezing or getting unnecessarily dirty.

Having a swimming pool at home is a great advantage, as it allows the whole family and friends to enjoy moments of fun and relaxation, especially for the youngest members of the family.

If you have decided to have a home with a swimming pool, Espigul can help you find what you are looking for. Contact us at or call us on 972 220 110!

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