1. General conditions:

This legal notice contains the conditions that regulate the use and access to the website (henceforth, site or website) and the responsibilities derived from its use, in compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11th, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (hereinafter, LSSI). It will be understood that the access or mere use of the website by the user implies their adherence to all the conditions that Espígul Real Estate has published on the website at that time. Users are informed that Espígul Real Estate complies with the current legislation regarding the protection of personal data, user privacy, and the secrecy and security of their personal data. To achieve this, necessary technical and organizational measures are taken to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access, and theft of the provided personal data.

2. Owner:

The owner of this website is:

Immobiliaria Espígul SL, hereinafter referred to as Immobiliaria Espígul, with registered address at Plaça Marquès de Camps, 3, 17001 Girona (Girona), VAT number B-17284894, contact telephone 972220110, and email address IMMOBILIARIA ESPIGUL S.L. VAT. B-17284894 – Registre Mercantil de Girona. Al tom 83 – Full 155 – Fulla número Gi-1477. – Inscripció 17a Direcció Fiscal Plaça Marquès de Camps, 3 17001 GIRONA (Girona)

3. Object:

ChatGPT The objective of this website is to inform about the activities and services that Espígul Real Estate develops and offers.

4. Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights:

The entirety of this website: description and characteristics, text, images, trademarks, logos, buttons, software files, as well as the structure, selection, arrangement, and presentation of its contents are protected by Spanish and international laws on intellectual and industrial property. Under no circumstances does access by third parties to this website imply any waiver, transfer, or assignment, in whole or in part, of the rights granted by Spanish and international laws on intellectual and industrial property.

The reproduction (except for temporary downloading from the website to the user’s hard drive or proxy servers), copying, use, distribution, reuse, exploitation, making second copies, mailing, transmission, modification, assignment, or any other act carried out with all or part of the information contained on this website, which has not been expressly authorized by the owner, is strictly prohibited. The user agrees to use the contents diligently, correctly, and lawfully. Specifically, the user commits to refrain from deleting, evading, or manipulating the “copyright” and other identifying data of Espígul Real Estate or its owners incorporated into the content, as well as any technical protection devices or information mechanisms that may be included in the content. it is a domain registered by Espígul Real Estate The domain cannot be used, except with prior express authorization, in connection with other services that are not related to the company in any way that may cause confusion among our clients or discredit Espígul Real Estate.

5. Access:

Users will be able to access the website freely and free of charge. However, Espígul Real Estate reserves the right to limit access to certain areas of the website to users who do not have the appropriate credentials. These credentials (username and password) are provided by Espígul Real Estate to its clients or users who expressly request them, with the purpose of accessing specific information for this group of users. The use of the password is personal and non-transferable. It is not allowed to transfer, even temporarily, to third parties. In this regard, the user commits to using the password diligently and keeping it confidential.

6. Responsibility and obligations:

6.1. Responsibility for the content

The content of this website has a general nature, with the sole purpose of providing information about our services and our business activity. Espígul Real Estate disclaims any responsibility regarding any decision made by the user of the website. Espígul Real Estate disclaims responsibility for any information not created by the company or not published under its authorized name, as well as the responsibility arising from the misuse of the contents. Likewise, concerning the contents, Espígul Real Estate reserves the right to update, delete, limit, or prevent access to them, either temporarily or permanently.

6.2. Responsibility regarding links to other websites (links)

The links introduced on this website are purely informative, and therefore, Espígul Real Estate does not control or verify any information, content, product, or service provided through these websites. As a consequence, Espígul Real Estate declines any kind of responsibility for any aspect, especially regarding the content, related to the linked pages. The inclusion of these links to other pages, as well as the products or services they offer, does not imply endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation by Espígul Real Estate.

6.3. Responsibility in the event that this page is the destination of the link introduced on another page

Regarding the links established by other pages with the destination to Espígul Real Estate’s website, the following stipulations must be followed: · Prior authorization must be requested before creating the link, and it’s granting must be expressly stated.

The link must be absolute and complete, meaning it must direct the user to Immobiliària Espígul’s own address and must completely fill the entire screen’s extension of the homepage. Under no circumstances, except with the express written authorization of Espígul Real Estate, may the page that creates the link reproduce the Espígul Real Estate website in any way, include it as part of its website, use it within one of its “frames,” or create a “browser” over any of the web pages.

No false or incorrect indications will be given about the Espígul Real Estate website.

If any distinctive signs of Espígul Real Estate, such as trademarks, logos, and the name, are to be used, written authorization must be obtained.

The owner of the page providing the link must act in good faith and shall not intend to negatively affect the reputation or good name of Espígul Real Estate.

It is prohibited, except with the express authorization of Espígul Real Estate, to register the text elements of the brand or logo, the domain name, or the corporate name of Espígul Real Estate as keywords (“metatags” or “metanames”) for website search engine optimization purposes. Espígul Real Estate assumes no responsibility for any aspect related to the website that provides the link.

6.4. Responsibility for technical aspects:

Espígul Real Estate will make every effort to provide a stable and lasting service, but under no circumstances guarantees the continuity of operation or the availability and functionality of the website for reasons beyond its responsibility. Espígul Real Estate is not liable for direct or indirect damages, including damages to computer systems and the introduction of viruses existing on the network, arising from internet browsing necessary for the use of this website. For this reason, under no circumstances will compensation be provided for possible issues arising from the malfunction of the system.

6.5. User Obligations:

The user will be responsible for any damages and losses that Espígul Real Estate may suffer as a result of the user’s failure to comply with any of the obligations specified in this legal notice. The user will be responsible, in any case, for the truthfulness of the provided data, and Espígul Real Estate reserves the right to exclude from registered services any user who has provided false information and to cancel the requested insurance policy, without prejudice to other actions that may be taken in accordance with the law. The user cannot use this service to transmit any kind of illegal, threatening, defamatory, or offensive material. Likewise, the user cannot misuse Espígul Real Estate’s content, use it for purposes other than those intended, reproduce it, modify it, or transform it without proper authorization. Any information obtained from Espígul Real Estate’s website and displayed on an external page must be properly attributed, indicating the source, which means mentioning the name of the website and providing the link or page from where the information was obtained. Regarding navigation, the user commits to diligently and faithfully follow the recommendations established by Immobiliària Espígul concerning the use of the website. ChatGPT To this end, Espígul Real Estate will communicate with users through any means of communication available on the website.

7. Duration and Modification:

Espígul Real Estate will have the right to unilaterally modify the terms and conditions stated here, either in whole or in part. Any changes will appear and be communicated to users in the same way as they are found in this legal notice. The temporal validity of this legal notice coincides with the time of its display, until the moment it is totally or partially modified by Espígul Real Estate. Espígul Real Estate may terminate, suspend, or unilaterally interrupt the operation of this website, without the possibility of the user requesting any compensation. After this termination, the user must destroy any information about Espígul Real Estate that they possess in any format and that they have obtained through the website or through individual communications made to the user for this purpose. Espígul Real Estate will have no obligation to maintain any content or forward any unread or unsent messages to the user or a third party.

8. Applicable Legislation and Jurisdiction:

These terms of use are governed by Spanish law. The conditions that appear on this website are in any case subject to Spanish laws and courts. In case of disputes between the user and Espígul Real Estate, the parties expressly agree, regarding the provision of the service and with express waiver of any other jurisdiction, to submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Girona (Spain).